Tax effects, relative prices, and economic growth
1983 |
Bhatia, Kul B. |
Effective monetary and fiscal policy to promote economic growth : a socialist approach
1983 |
Csikós-Nagy, Béla |
Fiscal measures against pollution : are effluent taxes and abatement subsidies equivalent?
1983 |
Shibata, Hirofumi |
Fiscal and monetary policy in the context of development : a Schumpeterian approach
1983 |
Stolper, Wolfgang F. |
Urban fiscal stress in U.K. cities
1983 |
Jackson, Peter M. |
Le rôle de la fiscalité dans la lutte contre les encombrements et les pollutions
1983 |
Prudʹhomme, Rémy |
Finances publiques et formation du capital humain : elements dʹune strategie alternative de financement de lʹenseignement superieur
1983 |
Terny, Guy |
The growth of government and the growth of the economy
1983 |
Niskanen, William A. |
Human capital formation and public finance : a dynamic model
1983 |
Roskamp, Karl W. |
Federalism versus centralism in regional growth
1983 |
Breton, Albert |
The tax system as social overhead capital : a constitutional perspective on fiscal norms
1983 |
Brennan, Geoffrey |
Taxation and the distribution of income and wealth
1983 |
Ioannides, Yannis M. |
Politique monétaire et politique budgétaire dans un modèle dynamique synthétique d'une économie en croissance
1983 |
Vedel, Claude |
Public finance and the cultural factor in economic growth
1983 |
Wiseman, Jack |
Optimal fiscal and monetary policies in neoclassical dynamic models
1983 |
Chamley, Christophe |
Contributions of regional public enterprises to regional economic development
1983 |
Chiancone, Aldo |
Public choice and growth : barriers to trade, factor mobility, and growth
1983 |
Olson, Mancur |
Substitution and technical progress : a putty-clay model for The Netherlands
1983 |
Kuipers, S. K. |
Monetary-fiscal policy for promoting growth : the merits and shortcomings of the Keynesian approach
1983 |
Fand, David I. |
Collective goods and population growth
1983 |
Shoup, Carl S. |