Quantile selection models with an application to understanding changes in wage inequality
2017 |
Arellano, Manuel |
Jump regressions
2017 |
Li, Jia |
Search for yield
2017 |
Martinez-Miera, David |
Insurer competition in health care markets
2017 |
Ho, Kate |
Robustness and separation in multidimensional screening
2017 |
Carroll, Gabriel |
Robust confidence intervals for average treatment effects under limited overlap
2017 |
Rothe, Christoph |
Existence of optimal mechanisms in principal-agent problems
2017 |
Kadan, Ohad |
Randomization tests under an approximate symmetry assumption
2017 |
Canay, Ivan A. |
A theory of intergenerational altruism
2017 |
Galperti, Simone |
Partial ambiguity
2017 |
Chew, Soo-Hong |
Uncertainty and unemployment
2017 |
Schaal, Edouard |
Sales force and competition in financial product markets : the case of Mexico's social security privatization
2017 |
Hastings, Justine S. |
Persuasion of a privately informed receiver
2017 |
Kolotilin, Anton |
Program evaluation and causal inference with high-dimensional data
2017 |
Belloni, Alexandre |
Identifying equilibrium models of labor market sorting
2017 |
Hagedorn, Marcus |
Assessment of uncertainty in high frequency data : the observed asymptotic variance
2017 |
Mykland, Per A. |
Bargaining with asymmetric information : an empirical study of plea negotiations
2017 |
Silveira, Bernardo S. |
Single-crossing random utility models
2017 |
Apesteguia, Jose |
Earnings and consumption dynamics : a nonlinear panel data framework
2017 |
Arellano, Manuel |
Continuity, inertia, and strategic uncertainty : a test of the theory of continuous time games
2017 |
Calford, Evan |