On the shoulders of giants : the origins of OD
2005 |
Alban, Billie T. |
Organization development from the view of the experts : summary results
2005 |
Warrick, D. D. |
A future-responsive perspective for competent practice in OD
2005 |
Eisen, Saul |
Implementation and continuing the change effort
2005 |
Burke, W. Warner |
Person-centered OD interventions
2005 |
Pareek, Udai |
Our work for the times in which we live
2005 |
Wheatley, Meg |
Competencies of OD practitioners
2005 |
Worley, Christopher G. |
Team building : past, present, and future
2005 |
Dyer, W. Gibb |
Interventions in large systems
2005 |
Cummings, Thomas G. |
Whole system transformation : the five truths of change
2005 |
Cady, Steven H. |
Global organization development
2005 |
Values, ethics, and practice in the field of organization development
2005 |
Egan, Terri |
Technology and organization development
2005 |
Kaplan, Soren |
Adding to the complexity of personal change
2005 |
Quade, Kristine |
Models for change
2005 |
Rothwell, William J. |
Marketing OD
2005 |
Weiss, Alan |
2005 |
McLean, Gary N. |
Taking organization culture seriously
2005 |
Schein, Edgar |
Bringing every mind into the game to realize the positive revolution in strategy : the appreciative inquiry summit
2005 |
Barrett, Frank J. |
Human systems dynamics : competencies in a complex world
2005 |
Eoyang, Glenda H. |