The "marginal cost of redistribution": comment
1996 |
Dahlby, Bev G. |
A note on the effect of changes in ad valorem tax rates on net revenue of firms : an application to the hotel room tax
1996 |
Im, Eric I. |
Myopia and social security financing
1996 |
Hu, Sheng-Cheng |
Tax credits for job creation and job retention in the California economy
1996 |
Pope, Ralph A. |
Changing demographics and state fiscal outlook : the case of sales taxes
1996 |
Mullins, Daniel R. |
A reexamination of the price effects of a unit commodity tax under perfect competition and monopoly
1996 |
Cohn, Elchanan |
The behavior of bureaucrats and the choice between single-purpose and multi-purpose authorities
1996 |
Borge, Lars-Erik |
A revelation approach to optimal taxation
1996 |
Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge |
The income tax compliance cost of big business
1996 |
Slemrod, Joel |
Should education be subsidized?
1996 |
Trostel, Philip Andrew |
"The marginal cost of redistribution": reply
1996 |
Browning, Edgar K. |
A note on escalation requirements, cost-of-living comparisons, and homeownership costs
1996 |
Barkume, Anthony J. |
Excess burden of the property tax : the open jurisdiction case
1996 |
Ghaus-Pasha, Aisha |
Fiscal policy in a model of endogenous growth with learning by doing
1996 |
Greiner, Alfred |
Distributional effects of social security : the notch issue revisited
1996 |
Duggan, James E. |
The valuation of government loan guarantees : a theoretical and empirical perspective
1996 |
Mensah, Samuel |
Do benefit and equal absolute sacrifice rules really lead to different taxation levels?
1996 |
Burgat, Paul |
Special versus general elections and composition of the voters : evidence from Louisiana school tax elections
1996 |
Pecquet, Gary M. |
Tax evasion and monopoly output decisions : note
1996 |
Yaniv, Gideon |
Targeted and universal benefits in kind under take-up costs
1996 |
Tridimas, George |