A propos du vieillissement d'une population
1955 |
Féraud, Lucien |
Age bologique et age chronologique
1955 |
Laugier, Henri |
A logarithmic polynomial for predictions of population growth
1955 |
Mills, Vincente |
The international comparability of population forecasts
1955 |
Muhsam, H. V. |
Regional and ethic differences in the age composition of Canadaʹs population
1955 |
Neveu, A. H. le |
The prospect for population forecasts
1955 |
Hajnal, John |
Irregular influences on the age distribution of a population
1955 |
Winkler, Wilhelm |
ʺDiscrimination against older workersʺ in perspective
1955 |
Sadie, J. L. |
Some aspects of the methodological of population forecasts for geographic subdivisions of countries
1955 |
Siegel, Jacob S. |
Training in vital and health statistics to meet immediate and long-range needs of less advanced countries
1955 |
Morrison, Frank S. |
Aging of populations: future trends
1955 |
Berent, Jerzy |
La composation par âge de la population du Brésil et de ses différentes sections
1955 |
Alves, Elǐgio |
Regional population projecting in the Netherlands
1955 |
Angenot, L. H. J. |
Future population prospects in the Scandinavian countries
1955 |
Backer, Julie E. |
Socioeconomic problems imposed by the aging of the population in Norway
1955 |
Backer, Julie E. |
Compositions par ag̀e de la population française
1955 |
Depoid, Pierre |
Di una misura della distribuzione della popolazione secondo l'età
1955 |
Billeter, Ernst P. |
Forms of training for demographic research and teaching
1955 |
Mair, George F. |
Aspetti della distribuzione per sesso e per età della popolazione italiana
1955 |
Occhiuto, A. |
The work of the National Advisory Committee on the Employment of Older Men and Women (Great Britain)
1955 |
Wiles, Harold |