Capital account liberalization and exchange rate policy reform in Vietnam, 1990 - 2010
2012 |
Pham Thi Hoang Anh |
Efficiency of skill training to acquire sector specific skills with search frictions
2012 |
Kawata, Keisuke |
The Department for Arms Production ot he University of Tokyo and the beginnings of the Japanese precision machine industry (1930 - 1960)
2011 |
Donzé, Pierre-Yves |
Dynamics of renminbi misalignment : a Markov switching approach
2011 |
Shi, Zongying |
Secure implementation in discrete and excludable public good economies
2011 |
Nishizaki, Katsuhiko |
Financial integration in Asia and around the world
2011 |
Takagi, Shinji |
Identifying the characteristics of IMF macroeconomic forecasts
2011 |
Takagi, Shinji |
A different dimensions' success and a different management control view
2010 |
Kim, Jae Wook |
The watchmaking enterprises and the growth of a special-purpose machine tool industry in Japan (1890 - 1960)
2010 |
Donzé, Pierre-Yves |
Energy price, bandwagon effect, and the rebound effect
2010 |
Ishida, Hazuki |
The wartime planned economy and private sector
2010 |
Sawai, Minoru |
Wage differentials between men and women : an approach based on labor market segmentation theory
2010 |
Takeuchi, Mamiko |
Rural labor migration in China : an overview
2009 |
Wu, Zheren |
Internal revenue allotment and regional disparities in the Philippines
2009 |
Sasaki, Kenichi |
Does West Africa form an optimum currency area? : a generalized PPP approach
2008 |
Sugimoto, Kimiko |
Public annuity fund and public pension funds in pension policy making in Poland
2008 |
Stańko, Dariusz |
On the alphas in Japan
2008 |
Tsuji, Chikashi |
Market maker's price-correction behavior towards synchronization risk
2008 |
Sakawa, Hideaki |
The Bank of Japan monetary policy meetings and the behaviour of the Nikkei225 implied volatility index
2008 |
Maghrebi, Nabil |
Revisiting the OECD review of the Korean health system
2008 |
Colombo, Francesca |