Molecular studies of evolution : a source of novel statistical problems
1971 |
Neyman, Jerzy |
Asymptotically efficient estimation of nonparametric regression coefficients
1971 |
Weiss, L. |
A theorem on exponentially bounded stopping time of invarian SPRT's with applications
1971 |
Wijsman, R. A. |
Sample size for selection
1971 |
Dudewicz, Edward J. |
Analogues of linear combinations of order statistics in the linear model
1971 |
Bickel, P. J. |
On a subset selection procedure for the most probable event in a multinominal distribution
1971 |
Panchapakesan, S. |
Selection procedures with respect to measures of association
1971 |
Govindarajulu, Zakkula |
Non-optimality of likelihood ratio tests for sequential detection of signals in Gaussian noise
1971 |
Eisenberg, Bennett |
Empirical bayes slippage tests
1971 |
Ryzin, J. van |
Detection of outliers
1971 |
Dempster, A. P. |
Optimal confidence intervals for the largest location parameter
1971 |
Dudewicz, Edward J. |
A decision-theoretic approach to the problem of testing a null hypothesis
1971 |
Rubin, Hermann |
Symmetric binomial group-testing with three outcomes
1971 |
Sobel, M. |
On approximating constants required to implement a selection procedure based on ranks
1971 |
McDonald, Gary C. |
Nonparametric procedures for selecting fixed-size subsest
1971 |
Desu, M. M. |
Optimal allocation of observations when comparing several treatments with a control (III) : globally best one-sided intervals for unequal variances
1971 |
Bechhofer, Robert E. |
The role of symmetry and aproximation in exact design optimality
1971 |
Kiefer, J. |
Some aspects of search strategies for Wiener processes
1971 |
Klimko, E. M. |
Optimal pari-mutuel wagering
1971 |
Arvesen, James N. |
On some contributions to multiple decision theory
1970 |
Gupta, Shanti S. |