Optimal location of steel mills servinf the Quebec and Southern Ontario steel market
1968 |
Casetti, Emilio |
Retail location and consumer behavior
1968 |
Berry, Brian J. L. |
Some factors affecting the spatial distribution of Chicago land values, 1910-1960
1968 |
Yeates, Maurice H. |
Traffic, umlands and built-up-areas-prognosis and recommendations
1968 |
Godlund, Sven |
Location as a factor in geography
1968 |
Hartshorne, Richard |
The hierarchy of central places in Southwestern Wisconsin
1968 |
Brush, John E. |
Classical location theory
1968 |
Chisholm, Michael |
New England as a possible location for an integrated iron and steel works
1968 |
Isard, Walter |
A theory of the urban land market
1968 |
Alonso, William |
Man against his environment : a game-theoretic framework
1968 |
Gould, Peter R. |
The decision process in a spatial context
1968 |
Wolpert, Julian |
The location of industry
1968 |
Smith, Wilfred |
An economic-geographical study of the localisation of the Swedish paper industry
1968 |
Lindberg, Olof |
Locational change in the Kentish hop industry and the analysis of land use patterns
1968 |
Harvey, D. W. |
An activity approach to location theory
1968 |
Beckmann, Martin |
The location of the Mexican steel industry
1968 |
Kennelly, Robert Andrew |
The concentration of high-value-added manufacturing
1968 |
Pred, Allan R. |
Restatements of theory
1968 |
Garrison, William L. |
A functional analysis of population distribution
1968 |
McCarthy, Harold H. |
The development of spatial distributions of towns in Sweden : an historical-predictive approach
1968 |
Morrill, Richard L. |