Special issue: sustainable operations in production and logistics |
2019 |
volume 89, number 7 (September 2019) |
Special issue: Value-creation and innovation in the digital age |
2019 |
volume 89, numbers 8-9 (December 2019) |
Special issue: Venture capital and private equity financing |
2018 |
volume 88, number 3/4 (May 2018) |
Special issue: Decision making in economics |
2018 |
volume 88, number 7/8 (September 2018) |
Special issue: Business intelligence and analytics : from big data to value creation |
2018 |
volume 88, number 5 (July 2018) |
Special issue: Recent developments in financial research : digital finance and financial literacy |
2017 |
volume 87, number 5 (July 2017) |
Special issue: Experimental (business) ethics |
2017 |
volume 87, number 9 (December 2017) |
Special issue: Looking across product categories in marketing science |
2017 |
volume 87, number 3 (April 2017) |
Special issue: Interdisciplinarity in operations management |
2017 |
volume 87, number 1 (January 2017) |
Special issue: contributions to management science : symposium on occasion of the 85th volume of the JBE/ZfB |
2016 |
volume 86, number 1/2 (January 2016) |
Special issue: decision research : bridging the gap between theory and behavior |
2016 |
volume 86, number 4 (May 2016) |
Special issue: risk governance |
2016 |
volume 86, number 8 (November 2016) |
Special issue: business model innovation and transformation |
2016 |
volume 86, number 6 (August 2016) |
Special issue: The impact of information systems and technology in the e-business age |
2015 |
85.2015,4 |
Special issue: Sustainability in supply chains |
2014 |
84.2014,5 |
Special issue: Crowdsourcing and cloudsourcing |
2014 |
84.2014,3 |
Special issue: Ethics in academia and management |
2014 |
84.2014,9 |
Special issue: Advancing strategy research |
2014 |
84.2014,1 |
Special issue: Game theory and production decisions |
2014 |
84.2014,7 |
Special issue: High profile employees and spin offs |
2013 |
83.2013,4 |