Why the odds are against a governor's becoming President
1968 |
Harris, Louis |
The governor as legislator
1968 |
Solomon, Samuel R. |
County government is reborny
1968 |
Hillenbrand, Bernard F. |
The need for a strong governor
1968 |
Luke, Sherrill D. |
A study of three communities
1968 |
Adrian, Charles R. |
Interstate compacts and Congress : The Port of New York Authority case
1968 |
Kolasa, Bernard D. |
The tribulations of a state senator
1968 |
Lockard, W. Duane |
The essentials of a sound judicial system
1968 |
Vanderbilt, Arthur T. |
Changing governors, and policies : Clark D. Ahlberg; Daniel P. Moynihan
1968 |
Ahlberg, Clark D. |
Can the state live on crumbs?
1968 |
Anderson, John |
I go to the legislature
1968 |
Neuberger, Richard L. |
Our horse-and-buggy state legislatures
1968 |
Miller, James Nathan |
Why our state governments are sick
1968 |
Press, Charles |
The politics of management improvement in the states
1968 |
Bosworth, Karl A. |
The Michigan Department of Administration : a case study in the politics of administration
1968 |
Heady, Ferrel |
The government of Harrison County, Texas
1968 |
Asseff, Emmett G. |
The biggest con game in politics
1968 |
Driscoll, Alfred E. |
Committee stacking and political power in Florida
1968 |
Beth, Loren P. |
The states are different
1968 |
Mansfield, Harvey C. |
Administrative reorganization in New Jersey
1968 |
Rich, Bennett M. |