Child-care market mechanisms : does policy affect the quantity of care?
2006 |
Cochi Ficano, Carlena |
Housing assistance and employment : How far-reaching are the effects of rental subsidies?
2006 |
Dynamics of material hardship in the women's employment study
2006 |
Heflin, Colleen M. |
Job performance and retention among welfare recipients
2004 |
Holzer, Harry J. |
Before and after TANF : the economic well-being of women leaving welfare
2002 |
United States poverty studies and poverty measurement: the past twenty-five years
2002 |
Glennerster, Howard |
Sanctions and material hardship under TANF
2002 |
Kalil, Ariel |
Political theories of the welfare state
2002 |
Myles, John |
The impact of child support enforcement on nonmarital and marital births: does it differ by racial and age groups?
2002 |
Huang, Chien-chung |
Social services and the state: the public appropriation of private charity
2002 |
Lynn, Laurence E. |
The impact of microenterprise assistance programs: a comparative study of program participants, nonparticipants, and other low-wage workers
2002 |
Sanders, Cynthia K. |
Determinants of food stamp program exits
2001 |
Working and leaving welfare : does race or ethnicity matter?
2001 |
Harknett, Kristen |
The effect of welfare on children's education
2001 |
Ku, Inhoe |
Russian family policy in transition : implications for families and professionals
2001 |
Butler, Amy C. |
Child care in the wake of welfare reform : the impact of government subsidies on the economic well-being of single-mother families
2001 |
Self-sufficiency, ecology of work, and welfare reform
2001 |
Daugherty, Robert H. |
Public or private children's services? Privatization in retrospect
2000 |
Rosenthal, Marguerite G. |
Policy experiments and poverty politics
2000 |
Brodkin, Evelyn Z. |
The bleak prospect for public child welfare
2000 |
Schorr, Alvin L. |