Yugoslavia in the German plans of conquest
1977 |
Odić, Slavko |
Exploitation of industrial installations in Serbia during the German occupation 1941-1944
1977 |
Živković, Nikola |
The Naubacher Plan and practical schemes for the establishment of a greater Serbian federation, 1943-1944
1977 |
Marjanović, Jovan |
"Restserbien" unter deutscher Militärverwaltung
1977 |
Madajczyk, Czesław |
IMRO-Mihajlovist collaborators and the German occupation: Macedonia 1941-1944
1977 |
Terzioski, Rastislav |
The "Volksdeutschers" of Bosnia, Slavonia and Srem regions in the struggle against the people's liberation movement, 1941-1944
1977 |
Miletić, Antun |
The law of war rulings applied to the occupation by the Third Reich on the territory of occupied Yugoslavia
1977 |
Gozze-Gučetić, Vuko |
Les relations roumaino-yougoslaves dans le contexte des pressions exercitées par le Troisième Reich, 1933-1939
1977 |
Campus, Eliza |
The Germans and Allied Plans for a Balkan landing
1977 |
Deakin, F. W. |
Aspekte und Hintergründe der Handels- und Wirtschaftspolitik Hitlerdeutschlands gegenüber Jugoslawien
1977 |
Schumann, Wolfgang |
The international isolation of Yugoslavia : an objective of German foreign policy in the period from 1933-1939
1977 |
Avramovski, Živko |
Concentration camps in Serbia, 1941-1944
1977 |
Glišić, Venceslav |
Yugoslavia's accession to the Tripartite Pact
1977 |
Krizman, Bogdan |
The Germans in the agrarian reform and land ownership patterns in the Vojvodina province during the period from 1919 to 1941
1977 |
Gaćeša, Nikola |
Macedonia and the Third Reich's Balkan policy
1977 |
Zografski, Dančo |
The nazi eastern policy and Yugoslavia
1977 |
Dedijer, Vladimir |
The interests of the Third Reich in Slovenia in the spring of 1941
1977 |
Ferenc, Tone |
Yugoslavs in nazi concentration camps
1977 |
Chène, Evelyn Le |
Penetrazione economica e disgregazione statale: premesse e conseguenze dell'aggressione nazista alla Jugoslavia
1977 |
Collotti, Enzo |
The ambitions and plans of the Third Reich with regard to the integration of Yugoslavia into its so-called Grosswirtschaftsraum
1977 |
Cvijetić, Leposava |