A logarithmic polynomial for predictions of population growth
1955 |
Mills, Vincente |
The international comparability of population forecasts
1955 |
Muhsam, H. V. |
Regional and ethic differences in the age composition of Canadaʹs population
1955 |
Neveu, A. H. le |
The prospect for population forecasts
1955 |
Hajnal, John |
Irregular influences on the age distribution of a population
1955 |
Winkler, Wilhelm |
ʺDiscrimination against older workersʺ in perspective
1955 |
Sadie, J. L. |
Some aspects of the methodological of population forecasts for geographic subdivisions of countries
1955 |
Siegel, Jacob S. |
Training in vital and health statistics to meet immediate and long-range needs of less advanced countries
1955 |
Morrison, Frank S. |
A propos du vieillissement d'une population
1955 |
Féraud, Lucien |
Age bologique et age chronologique
1955 |
Laugier, Henri |
Evolution démographique et financement de l'assurance vieillesse
1955 |
Doublet, Jacques |
Population forecasts for cities and local areas
1955 |
Hyrenius, Hannes |
The prospect, 1981 : future growth of population
1955 |
Gopalaswami, R. A. |
International measures for training in demography
1955 |
Robinson, Betty B. |
Perspectives relatives à la population musulmane de l'Algérie: méthode d'élaboration, comparaison avec les résultats d'un recensement ultérieur
1955 |
Vincent, Paul |
Changes of capacity with age and their relation to employability
1955 |
Welford, A. T. |
Demographic changes in age and occupation, with especial reference to the United States, 1910 to 1950
1955 |
Woodbury, Robert Morse |
Preparación de personal para la investigación y la enseñanza demografícas
1955 |
Romero, Hernán |
Perspectives de naissances après une perturbation de la natalité
1955 |
Henry, Louis |
Variazioni nella struttura per età della popolazione e componenti fondamentali del movimento demografico
1955 |
Somogyi, Stefano |