[Besprechung von:] Rostow, Walter W.: The world economy. History and prospect. Austin 1978
1979 |
Spellman, W. E. |
[Besprechung von:] McLaurin, Melton Alonza: The knights of labor in the South. Westport/Conn. 1978
1979 |
Miller, Robert M. |
Political modernization : gaps between theory and reality
1979 |
Pye, Lucian W. |
[Besprechung von:] Bender, Gerald J.: Angola under the Portuguese. The myth and the reality. Berkeley/Calif. 1978. Legum, Colin and Tony Hodges: After Angola. The war over Southern Africa. New York 1976
1979 |
Houk, Richard J. |
[Besprechung von:] Burns, James MacGregor: Leadership. New York 1978
1979 |
Manheim, Jarol B. |
[Besprechung von:] Brittain, John A.: Inheritance and the inequality of material wealth. Washington/D. C. 1978. The distribution of economic well-being. Cambridge/Mass. 1977. : = Studies in Income and Wealth. National Bureau of Economic Research. No 41
1979 |
Holman, Mary A. |
Ideology and the balance of power
1979 |
Cherne, Leo |
Meeting basic human needs
1979 |
McHale, John |
[Besprechung von:] Hall, Raymond L. : Black separatism in the United States. Hanover/N. H. 1978
1979 |
Lamare, James W. |
[Besprechung von:] Stone, Alan: Economic regulation and the public interest. The Federal Trade Commission in theory and practice. Ithaca/N.Y. 1977
1979 |
Herber, Bernard P. |
[Besprechung von:] Jones, Bill: The Russia complex. The British Labour Party and the Soviet Union. Totowa/N. J. 1978
1979 |
Cattell, David T. |
[Besprechung von:] International comparisons of real product and purchasing power. [Von] Irving B. Kravis, Alan Heston, and Robert Summers. Baltimore/Md. 1978
1979 |
Huddle, Donald L. |
[Besprechung von:] Crouch, Harold: The army and politics in Indonesia. Ithaca 1978
1979 |
Provencher, Ronald |
Institutional innovation : organizing for better international relationships
1979 |
Richardson jr., John |
[Besprechung von:] Berman, Peter I.: Inflation and the money supply in the United States, 1956-1977. Lexington/Mass. 1978
1979 |
Harkness, Jon P. |
[Besprechung von:] Wynia, Gary W.: The politics of Latin American development. New York 1978
1979 |
Purcell, Susan Kaufman |
[Besprechung von:] Nayyar, Deepak: India's exports and export policies in the 1960s. Cambridge/England 1976
1979 |
Mathews, P. I. |
[Besprechung von:] Schlesinger, Arthur M. jr: Robert Kennedy and his times. Boston 1978
1979 |
Rotondaro, Fred |
Transnational communications and the international system
1979 |
Deutsch, Karl W. |
[Besprechung von:] Mandle, Jay R.: The roots of Black poverty. The Southern Plantation economy after the Civil War. Durham/N. C. 1978
1979 |
Kirby, Jack Temple |