Analysis of institutions : a new lens to rural policies and agricultural markets
2004 |
Van Huylenbroeck, Guido |
Organisation of knowledge transfer in agricultural policy analysis
2004 |
Time series analysis of a principal-agent model to assess risk shifting in agricultural marketing channels : an application to the Dutch ware potato marketing channel
2004 |
Kuwornu, John K. M. |
Institutional analysis of the Flemish buyout regulation for pig holdings
2004 |
The subtle art of major institutional reform : introducing property rights in the Iceland fisheries
2004 |
Þráinn Eggertsson |
The European parliament : from a consultative to a decisive institution in the CAP making process
2004 |
Chatzopoulou, Sevasti |
Rules and equilibria : a formal conceptualisation of institutions with an application to Norwegian agricultural policy making
2004 |
Mittenzwei, Klaus |
The role of institutions in agricultural protectionism
2004 |
Henning, Christian H. C. A. |
An agent-based analysis of different direct payment schemes for the German region Hohenlohe
2004 |
Happe, Kathrin |
Policy intervention on a market with pervasive agency relations : lessons from the Polish agricultural credit programme
2004 |
Petrick, Martin |
Emerging institutions in East European land markets : evidence from Hungary
2004 |
Vranken, Liesbet |
Borderlines for a common agricultural policy of multifunctional agriculture
2004 |
Fahlbeck, Erik |
The role of social capital in promoting institutional changes in transitional agriculture
2004 |
Wolz, Axel |
Transaction cost economics and agriculture : an excursion
2004 |
Williamson, Oliver E. |
The role of institutions in the negotiations for accession to the European Union
2004 |
Erjavec, Emil |
The reorientation process of the CAP support : modulation of direct payments
2004 |
Henke, Roberto |
Decision-making on the common agricultural policy of the EU : the influence of the European Commission
2004 |
Pokrivčák, Ján |
Making sense of bottom-up in rural development
2004 |
Korf, Benedikt |
New institutions in European rural development programmes : between the top-down and bottom-up approach : the case of Andalusia (Southern Spain)
2004 |
Delgado Serrano, María del Mar |
Political institutions and milk policy outcomes in OECD countries
2004 |
Olper, Alessandro |