Investment dependence, economic development, and female employment opportunities in less developed countries
1988 |
Semyonov, Moshe |
Conflicts between economic decentralization and political control in the domestic reform of Soviet and post-Soviet systems
1988 |
Durasoff, Douglas |
Elderly migration as a response to economic incentives
1988 |
Fournier, Gary M. |
Explaining relative incomes of low-income families in US cities
1988 |
Blackley, Paul R. |
Foreign investment in the United States : effects on export performance
1987 |
Lutz, James M. |
Economic segmentation, human capital, and tax-favored fringe benefits
1987 |
Dalto, Guy C. |
Subjective labor force commitment of US men and women, 1973 - 1985
1987 |
Lorence, Jon |
The incomes of recent immigrants : a look at ethnic differences
1987 |
Koch, James V. |
Labor force transformations among seven major industrial nations : 1920 - 1970
1987 |
Rau, William C. |
Fiscal illusion and revenue yield in the American States : an empirical assessment
1987 |
Lowery, David |
A revealed-preference ranking of quality of life for metropolitan areas
1987 |
Berger, Mark C. |
Self-employed minorities : traits and trends
1987 |
Bates, Timothy Mason |
The economics of the call for anti-apartheid investment sanctions
1987 |
Kaempfer, William Hutchison |
Immigration of engineers, scientists, and physicians and the US high technology renaissance
1987 |
Daneshvary, Nasser |
Control of capital flows and class relations
1987 |
Glasberg, Davita Silfen |
Opinion on the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant : the effects of situation and socialization
1986 |
George, David L. |
Population loss and change in the North : an examination of New York's migration to the sunbelt
1986 |
Alba, Richard D. |
The socioeconomic status of noncitizen Arab workers in the Israeli labor market : costs and benefits
1986 |
Semyonov, Moshe |
Preference, expectations, and voting in Sweden's referendum on nuclear power
1986 |
Granberg, Donald |
The socioeconomic status of noncitizen Arab workers in the Israeli labor market : costs and benefits
1986 |
Semyonov, Moshe |