The development and implementation of a heuristic set covering based system for air crew scheduling
1985 |
Baker, Edward K. |
Constrained welfare maximization, application to transit fare determination
1985 |
Obeng, Kofi |
Shore-based shipping costs : the urban freight component
1985 |
Ogden, K. W. |
Socio-economic aspects of high-speed trains
1985 |
Improving urban goods movement : the transportation system management approach
1985 |
Hedges, Charles A. |
Examining recent transit fare innovations in the U. S.
1985 |
Cervero, Robert |
Supply models for large towns : the use of models in the strategic management of the development of the trade infrastructure in Czechoslovakia
1985 |
Pernica, Petr |
Goods deliveries in inner city shopping areas, some Dutch experiences
1985 |
Stienstra, Sj. |
A computer model of urban commercial traffic-analysis, basic concept and application
1985 |
Sonntag, Herbert |
Goods Distribution Centers : a contribution to the systematizing of local goods traffic in towns
1985 |
Eckstein, Werner E. |
The development and implementation of a heuristic set covering based system for air crew schenduling
1985 |
Baker, Edward K. |
Intermodal freight split in Nigeria and its policy implications
1985 |
Bolade, A. Tunji |
A long model for containerized cargo forecasting
1985 |
Lackman, Conway L. |
Urban goods movement
1985 |
Leutzbach, W. |
The use of EDP in the planning and control process : the case of U.S. motor freight carriers
1985 |
Ledford, M. H. |
The company car in the United Kingdom as an instrument of transport policy
1984 |
Whitelegg, John |
Mode choice and mode captivity in interlocal commuting
1984 |
Hoorn, A. I. J. M. van der |
Project programming in urban transportation : methodology prepared for Cairo, Egypt
1984 |
Gakenheimer, Ralph |
Temporal stability of urban travel patterns
1984 |
Kostyniuk, Lidia P. |
Analyses on changes of modal choice based on new behavioral hypotheses
1984 |
Kawakami, Shogo |