Innovation policy and knowledge management in the learning economy
2005 |
Lundvall, Bengt-Åke |
Development policy and the economy: whither the state?
2005 |
Wilson, Robert Hines |
Productivity and regional density
2005 |
Baptista, Rui Miguel L. N. |
From technology policy for regions to regional technology policy: towards a new policy strategy in the EU
2005 |
Guth, Michael |
Information and communication technologies and economic development of peripherally located regions: experiences in the Netherlands
2005 |
Geenhuizen, Marina S. van |
Digital cities and the network society: towards a knowledge-based view of the territory?
2005 |
Heitor, Manuel V. |
Getting the tail to wag: enabling innovation in small/medium-sized enterprises
2005 |
Bessant, John Robert |
Network building between research institutions and small and medium enterprises: dynamics of innovation network building and implications for a policy option
2005 |
Kim, Junmo |
Innovation clusters in Latin America
2005 |
Bortagaray, Isabel |
The nature of the networks of innovation and technological information diffusion in a region in the initial stages of industrial development
2005 |
Nascimento, Décio Estevão do |
Foreign language materials for business Portuguese: the role of technology in the development of foreign language curricula
2005 |
Kelm, Orlando R. |
Portuguese language without frontiers
2005 |
Dell'Isola, Regina L. P. |
Innovation policies in the knowledge era: a South American perspective
2005 |
Lastres, Helena Maria Martins |
Regulatory shields and firms' conduct: application to telecommunications companies in Chile and Mexico
2005 |
Ibarra Yunez, Alejandro |
Globalization and industrial restructuring in Mexico: the electronics and automobile industries
2005 |
Reguart, Cristina Casanueva |
Gateway airports, speed and the rise of aerotropolis
2005 |
Kasarda, John D. |
Institutions and knowledge networks: the Chinese experience
2005 |
Young, Leslie |
Regional innovation policy at the community level: evidence from the RITTS programme to promote regional innovation systems
2005 |
Corvers, Fabienne |
A network of knowledge-intensive clusters for regional development: the Paraná W-class program
2005 |
Quandt, Carlos |
The universal network language: an electronic esperanto? No, a language for computers
2005 |
Senta, Tarcisio Della |