The elements of project success
2004 |
Pinto, Jeffrey K. |
Why project management?
2004 |
Pritchard, Carl L. |
Another look at life cycles
2004 |
Belanger, Thomas C. |
Putting together a work-breakdown structure
2004 |
Warner, Paul |
Tools to achieve on-time performance
2004 |
Frame, J. Davidson |
Building the foundation for project success - the statement of work
2004 |
Martin, Michael G. |
Political strategies for projects and project managers
2004 |
Baker, Bud |
The role of senior management on projects
2004 |
Hartley, Kenneth O. |
Negotiating skills for project managers
2004 |
Owens, Stephen D. |
Total customer satisfaction
2004 |
Ireland, Lewis R. |
Project evaluation at Lucent Technologies
2004 |
Ono, Daniel P. |
Legal considerations for project managers
2004 |
Speck, Randall L. |
New ways to use project teams
2004 |
Cleland, David I. |
Concurrent product-development teams
2004 |
Smith, Preston G. |
Strategic planning
2004 |
Cleland, David I. |
Implementing the project-management process
2004 |
Ireland, Lewis R. |
Calculating costs and keeping records for project contracts
2004 |
O'Brien, James J. |
Making optimal use of the matrix organization
2004 |
Teplitz, Charles J. |
Building a high-performance project team
2004 |
Opfer, Warren |
Motivation in the project environment
2004 |
Yourzak, Robert J. |