Secular trends and recent changes in real wages and wage differentials in three Western Industrial countries : the United States, Great Britain and Germany
1962 |
Bry, Gerhard |
Main features of industrialization in Russia before 1917
1960 |
Yatsunsky, V. K. |
Old and new metallurgy in the Polish Kingdom
1960 |
Jezierski, Andrzej |
La gran propiedad agraria de los conventos españoles a comienzos del siglo 19
1960 |
Fontana Lázaro, José |
Industrialization as a factor in economic growth in Denmarkt since 1700
1960 |
Glamann, Kristof |
Industrialization as a factor in economic growth in Finland
1960 |
Jutikkala, E. |
Le grand domaine au Mexique du 16. au début du 19. siècle
1960 |
Chevalier, François |
An historical approach to economic development
1960 |
Cochran, Thomas C. |
Economic growth under conditions of fiscal support State capitalism in the U. S. economy
1960 |
Crosser, Paul |
The large estate in eighteenth-century England
1960 |
Mingay, G. E. |
Industrialisierung als ein Faktor des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums seit dem Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts
1960 |
Treue, Wilhelm |
La industrialización y el desarrollo económico de España de 1800 a 1936
1960 |
Vicens Vives, J. |
Industrialisation as a factor in economic growth
1960 |
Bull, Edvard |
The slave plantation in American agriculture
1960 |
Parker, William N. |
Domaines ou ensembles territoriaux? : quelques exemples de lʹimplication du régime de la propriété et de la structure sociale dans la France du 17. et du 18. siècle
1960 |
Meuvret, J. |
Le niveau de la récolte des céréales en Pologne du 16. au 18. siècle
1960 |
Wyczański, Andrzej |
Industrialization in Japan
1960 |
Kajinishi, M. |
Le grand domaine de la fin du moyen âge en France
1960 |
Duby, Georges |
Die landwirtschaftlichen Grossbetriebe Deutschlands
1960 |
Abel, Wilhelm |
Social structure and economic growth in the Netherlands
1960 |
Kastelein, T. J. |