Tripartite industrial cooperation between East, West, and South
1981 |
Gutman, Patrick |
Industrialization in Papua New Guinea : a social or economic investment?
1981 |
Jackson, Richard |
Industrial activities in the periphery : Hong Kong
1981 |
Richards, Stewart F. |
Multinational corporations, transfer of technology, and the socialist strategy of a developing nation : perspectives from Tanzania
1981 |
Wees, Gerrit van der |
Industrialization in the shadows of apartheid : a world-systems analysis
1981 |
Rogers, Christian M. |
Pechiney Ugine Kuhlmann : a French multinational corporation
1981 |
Savey, Suzane |
International division of labour and the national industrial system : the case of Hungary
1981 |
Bora, Gyula |
Polish industry forges external links
1981 |
Kortus, Bronisław |
The changing spatial organisation of multinational corporations in the world automotive industry
1981 |
Bloomfield, Gerald T. |
Multinationals, the new international economic order and the spatial industrial structure of Brazil
1981 |
Cavalcanti, Leonardo |
Ghanaian industrialization and its external linkages
1981 |
Botchie, George |
International location and comparative advantage : the clothing industries and developing countries
1981 |
Steed, Guy P. F. |
Making it abroad : the evolution of Volkswagens̕ North American production plans
1981 |
Krumme, Günter |
Foreign investment, international labour migration and the Turkish economy
1981 |
Eraydin, Ayda |
Industrial investment assistance : the socialist countries' approach to the Third World
1981 |
Gulcz, Mieczysław |
International industrial systems
1981 |
Linge, G. J. R. |
Spatial dynamics in the growth and development of multinational corporations in Malaysia
1981 |
Singh, Mahinder Santokh |
Foreign direct investment in manufacturing in developing contries : the case of Singapore
1981 |
Chia, Siow Yue |