Reforming the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 : an alternative approach
1983 |
Vukowich, William T. |
The antitrust industry
1980 |
Reich, Robert B. |
Controlling basic science : the case of nuclear fusion
1980 |
Goldberg, Steven |
Antitrust colloquim
1980 |
[Besprechung von:] Rodgers, William H. jr.: Energy and natural resources law. St. Paul 1979
1979 |
Fischer, James M. |
The Panama Canal treaties and the property disposal clause : do the treaties propose an unconstitutional giveaway?
1978 |
Skoblow, David V. |
A review of the law of horizontal mergers
1978 |
Kintner, Earl W. |
First amendment limitations on FTC corrective advertising orders
1978 |
Fenton, Kathryn M. |
When nursing home patients complain : the ombudsman or the patient advocate
1977 |
Regan, John J. |
[Besprechung von:] Lusky, Louis: By what right? Charlottesville/Va. 1975
1977 |
Lewin, Nathan |
Foreign sovereign compulsion and the Arab boycott : a state action analogy
1977 |
Falender, Elaine S. |
Federal prosecution of local corruption : a cas study in the making of law enforcement policy
1977 |
Ruff, Charles F. C. |
The pledge and the purchase and sale requirement of section 10 (b) and rule 10b-5
1977 |
Hawkins, Gerald L. |
The section 1983 municipal immunity doctrine
1977 |
Levin, Ronald M. |
Judicial review of generic rulemaking
1977 |
Dupont, Norman A. |
The impact of expungement relief on deportation of aliens for narcotics convictions
1977 |
Polin, Kenneth D. |
An assessment of the SEC shareholder proposal rule
1977 |
Schwartz, Donald E. |
The jurisprudence of affirmative action : a post-realist analysis
1977 |
Deutsch, Jan G. |
Conflicts of interest and former government attorney
1977 |
Bollwerk", G. Paul |
Toward better use of coastal resources : coordinated state and federal planning under the Coastal Zone Management Act
1977 |
Gendler, Mickey |