Des attitudes économique malthusiennes du neoprotectionnisme en particulier face à l'v́olution sur leur inadéquation
1983 |
Bauer, Gérard |
Stratégie économique : science et technologie
1983 |
Barjon, Michel |
Télécommunications, transfer de technologie et Tiers Monde
1983 |
November, Andràs |
On long cycles : kondratiev and all that
1983 |
Ray, George F. |
A comparison of R & D strategies in Europe and Japan
1983 |
Trojer, Felix J. |
Changing social values and lifestyles : from a consumer towards a conserver society?
1983 |
Unger, Laszlo |
Agriculture's changing role in international trade and aid : tastes and techniques
1983 |
Jones, William I. |
World trade law and government subsidies to industrial innovation
1983 |
Graham, Edward M. |
Technology and international relations
1983 |
Carriero, Libero |
Science, technology and international relations : some comments and a speculation
1983 |
King, Alexander |
Reflections on technology, international order and economic growth
1983 |
Hieronymi, Otto |
Technology as a factor of economic leaderschip
1983 |
Fontela, Emilio |
Technology and the terms of trade
1983 |
Lo Cascio, Martino |
In search of a new economics for the 1980's : the need for a return to fixed exchange rates
1982 |
Hieronymi, Otto |
Lʹ economie librè de marché vécue par un praticien
1982 |
Kunz, Pierre-André |
The ʺspirit of Genevaʺ and the international trade order
1982 |
Curzon Price, Victoria |
Religions et révolution
1980 |
A New International Economic Order : its impact on the evolution of international law ; an outline for discussion
1978 |
Geiser, Hans Joerg |
Vers un nouvel ordre international?
1978 |
Freymond, Jacques |
Possibilités et limites de la prévision en relations internationales : le cas du nouvel ordre économique international
1978 |
Braillard, Philippe |