L' évolution de l'écart salarial de genre dans l'Union Européenne
2002 |
Plasman, Anne |
Occupational segregation and the male female wage gap in Germany between 1985 and 1995
2002 |
Mavromaras, Kostas G. |
Labor market segmentation and the gender wage gap : an analysis of selected industries in Switzerland
2002 |
Sousa-Poza, Alfonso |
Dutch mothers' return to work and the re-entry effect on wage
2002 |
Wetzels, Cécile M. M. P. |
Mesure de la discrimination entre hommes et femmes dans les primes salariales en France
2002 |
Lemière, Séverine |
Inter-industry wage differentials and the gender wage gap in Belgium
2002 |
Rycx, François |
(Fe)male jobs and (fe)male wages : disentangling the effect of personal and job characteristics on wages by measuring stereotypes
2002 |
Meng, Christoph |
Gender wage gaps : a European perspective
2002 |
Meulders, Danièle |
Indicators on gender pay equality
2002 |
Adam Smith et la banque libre
2002 |
Le Maux, Laurent |
Credibilite de la politique monetaire et libelle de la dette publique
2002 |
Gilson, Natacha |
The quality of a consensus forecast for economic growth in Belgium, 1981 - 2001
2002 |
Vuchelen, Jozef |
La réforme comptable dans les communes flamandes : une étude empirique des comtes annuels
2002 |
Christiaens, Johan |
How much does a year off cost? : Estimating the wage effects of employment breaks and part-time periods
2002 |
Beblo, Miriam |
Efficiency in the European banking industry : an exploratory analysis to rank countries
2001 |
Bikker, Jacob A. |
Listing status of the firm as motivational factor for attributional search in annual reporting
2001 |
Aerts, Walter |
International R&D spillovers : a survey
2001 |
Cincera, Michele |
Technological competition, economic performance and strategic behaviour of international firms
2001 |
Capron, Henri |
Les simulateurs budgétaires des Régions et Communauté : outils d'aide à la décision de politique budgétaire
2001 |
Dermien, Vinciane |
L' économie appliquée et la prise de décision politique et économique
2001 |
Capron, Henri |