Disequilibrium under alternative production functions
1970 |
Thurow, Lester C. |
Some unsettled issues in cost-benefit analysis
1970 |
Henderson, P. D. |
The international distribution of incomes
1970 |
Beckerman, Wilfred |
Saving and foreign exchange constrains
1970 |
Joshi, Vijay |
The ʹirregularʹ in Whitehall
1970 |
Shanks, Michael James |
The search for efficiency in the presence of externalities
1970 |
Portes, Richard D. |
Reform and diversification in a coffee economy : the case of Guatemala
1970 |
Griffin, Keith B. |
Optimal policies to promote industrialisation in less developed countries
1970 |
Ramaswami, V. K. |
Aid : some aspects of the tying problem
1970 |
Stewart, Michael |
The future of monetary policy
1970 |
Opie, Roger |
Farm price stabilisation in underdevelopment agricultures : some effects on income stability and income distribution
1970 |
Lipton, Michael |
Management education in the United Kingdom
1970 |
McClelland, W. G. |
Graduate migration as an obstacle to equality
1970 |
Seers, Dudley |
The 'soft state' in underdeveloped countries
1970 |
Myrdal, Gunnar |
Dualism revisited : economic structures and the framework of economic policy in a post-colonial setting
1970 |
Barber, William Joseph |
Alternative estimates of the real cost of aid
1970 |
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. |
Technical change, international trade and foreign investment
1970 |
Posner, Michael V. |