Legislative influences on performance management reform
2008 |
Bourdeaux, Carolyn |
Learning under uncertainty: networks in crisis management
2008 |
Moynihan, Donald P. |
Turnover among city managers : the role of political and economic change
2008 |
Is the world "flat" or "spiky"? : rethinking the governance implications of globalization for economic development
2008 |
Feiock, Richard C. |
The Tiebout hypothesis 50 years later : lessons and lingering challenges for metropolitan governance in the 21st century
2008 |
Howell-Moroney, Michael |
Beyond the contract: the scope and nature of informal government-nonprofit partnerships
2008 |
Gazley, Beth |
Governing interlocal cooperation : city council interests and the implications for public management
2008 |
Zeemering, Eric S. |
Strengthening the intergovernmental grant system : long-term lessons for the federal-local relationship
2008 |
Handley, Donna Milam |
Managing markets for public service : the role of mixed public-private delivery of city services
2008 |
Warner, Mildred |
Contract city redux, Weston, Florida, as the ulimate new public management model city
2008 |
Prager, Jonas |
Performance, accountability, and the debate over rules
2008 |
Kassel, David S. |
Sharpening a knife cleverly : organizational change, policy paradox, and the "weaponizing" of administrative reforms
2008 |
Durant, Robert F. |
Measuring street cleanliness : a comparison of New York City's scorecard and results from a citizen survey
2008 |
Van Ryzin, Gregg G. |
Examining the nature and significance of leadership in government organizations
2008 |
Trottier, Tracey |
Wicked problems, knowledge challenges, and collaborative capacity builders in network settings
2008 |
Weber, Edward P. |
Steering agencies with short-term authorizations
2008 |
Hall, Thad |
Privatizing public nursing homes : examining the effects on quality and access
2008 |
Amirkhanyan, Anna |
Preventing local government fiscal crises : emerging best practices
2008 |
Coe, Charles K. |
Lillian Borrone: weaving a web to revitalize port commerce in New York and New Jersey
2008 |
Schachter, Hindy Lauer |
The forgotten regional organizations : creating capacity for economic development
2008 |
Hall, Jeremy Lucas |