The emergence of sociology in Austria, 1885-1935
1976 |
Torrance, John |
Race in Latin America : the concept of "raza"
1973 |
Pitt-Rivers, Julian |
Les élites politiques en France de la III. à la V. République
1973 |
Charlot, Jean |
The British political elite, 1955-1972
1973 |
Johnson, R. W. |
Le systeme d'enseignement de l'Algérie coloniale
1972 |
Colonna, Fanny |
On the social origins of agrarian fascism in Italy
1972 |
Snowden, Frank M. |
Peasant consciousness and agrarian reform in Chile
1972 |
Lehmann, David |
"Peasantization" and rural political movements in Western Africa
1972 |
Post, Ken |
Coalition formation and colonialism in Western Sicily
1972 |
Schneider, Peter T. |
The place of religion in Durkheimʹs theory of institutions
1971 |
Poggi, Gianfranco |
The "individual" in the writings of Emile Durkheim
1971 |
Giddens, Anthony |
Une interprétation de la théorie de la religion selon Max Weber
1971 |
Bourdieu, Pierre |
A pleading for revolution
1971 |
Kołakowski, Leszek |
Prolegomena to the interpretation of Durkheim
1971 |
Lukes, Steven |
Social dissent in the East European political system
1971 |
Bauman, Zygmunt |
De la fragilité des systèmes politiques
1971 |
Baechler, Jean |
Notes sur la notion de théorie dans les sciences sociales
1970 |
Boudon, Raymond |
Max Weber et le judalsme antique
1970 |
Raphae͏̈l, Freddy |
La planification dans des nations du tiers monde : bilan critique
1970 |
Streeten, Paul |
Religion and modernization in Southeast Asia
1970 |
Alatas, Syed Hussein |