A general theory of communication
1970 |
Goffman, William |
Bibliographic dimensions in information control
1970 |
Lubetzky, Seymour |
Research for psychologists at the interface of the scientist and his information system
1970 |
Parker, Edwin B. |
Networks of scientific papers
1970 |
Price, Derek J. de Solla |
Measures for the comparison of information retrieval systems
1970 |
Pollock, Stephen M. |
Systems analysis in university libraries
1970 |
Leimkuhler, Ferdinand F. |
A proposed structure for display information to minimize search time through a data base
1970 |
Thompson, David A. |
Two models for retrieval system design
1970 |
Hillman, Donald J. |
Stability in the growth of knowledge
1970 |
Kochen, Manfred |
Factors affecting the preferences of industrial personnel for information gathering methods
1970 |
Rosenberg, Victor |
The concept of "relevance" in information science : a historical review
1970 |
Saracevic, Tefko |
An efficiency model and a performance function for an information retrieval system
1970 |
Rothenberg, Douglas H. |
Selected results from an inquiry into testing of information retrieval systems
1970 |
Saracevic, Tefko |
Bibliographic description, arrangement, and retrieval
1970 |
Vickery, B. C. |
MEDLARS : report on the evaluation of its operating efficiency
1970 |
Lancaster, F. W. |
Scientists meet the KWIC index
1970 |
Adams, William Mansfield |
Information retrieval systems
1970 |
Swets, John A. |
On the semantic characteristics of information
1970 |
Shreǐder, Yu. A. |
Information, communication, knowledge
1970 |
Ziman, J. M. |
The promise and pitfalls of information theory
1970 |
Rapoport, Anatol |