Statistical policy for state and local governments
1988 |
Lehnen, Robert G. |
Dealing with uncertainty : statistics for an aging population
1988 |
Stoto, Michael A. |
Some statistical analysis issues at the World Fertility Survey
1988 |
Little, Roderick J. A. |
Analysis of data from the Places rated almanac
1987 |
The validity of the likelihood principle
1987 |
Hill, Bruce M. |
Environmental monitoring, statistics, and the law : room for improvement
1987 |
Millard, Stephen |
Goodness-of-fit statistics for general linear regression equations in the presence of replicated responses
1987 |
Chang, Potter C. |
The fixed X assumption in econometrics : can the textbooks be trusted?
1987 |
Binkley, James K. |
Interim analysis in clinical trials : the role of the likelihood principle
1987 |
Berry, Donald A. |
A Kalman-filter smoothing approach for extrapolations in certain dose-response, damage-assessment, and accelerated-life-testing studies
1987 |
Meinhold, Richard J. |
Quality, value relationship for imperfect information in the umbrella problem
1987 |
Katz, Richard W. |
Diagnostic value of residual and partial residual plots
1987 |
Mansfield, Edward R. |
Model-based estimation in finite population sampling
1987 |
Bellhouse, David R. |
Distribution-free tests for main effects in multifactor designs
1986 |
Groggel, David J. |
Why isn't everyone a Bayesian?
1986 |
Efron, Bradley |
Chinese statistics
1986 |
Chow, Gregory C. |
On measures of monotone association
1986 |
Raveh, Adi |
Effects of intraclass correlation on weighted averages
1986 |
Searle, S. R. |
Harrison-Stevens forecasting and the multiprocess dynamic linear model
1986 |
Bolstad, William M. |
Estimating serial correlation by visual inspection of diagnostic plots
1986 |
Stigler, Stephen M. |