Le droit de lʹhomme aux informations et la compréhension internationale
1969 |
Klimeš, Vladimir |
Investigating the mass communication factor in international behavior
1969 |
Markham, James W. |
On the interest in foreign issues in television program images before and after television
1969 |
Pietila, Veikko |
International communications, national sovereignty and domestic insurgency
1969 |
Schiller, Herbert I. |
La presse, le pouvoir et l'argent
1969 |
Schwoebel, Jean |
How do American and Finnish foreign news editors perceive the relations between ten world political leaders?
1969 |
Nordenstreng, Kaarle |
Monopoly and concentration in international mass communication, an important problem for small nations
1969 |
Rössel-Majdan, Karl |
Structural and functional change in the public and the world community
1969 |
Vreg, France |
Les moyens de communication de masse et la liberté d'opinion
1969 |
Bourquin, Jacques |
An ipsative approach to communication and change
1969 |
Donohew, Lewis |
Some problems concerning international communication from the viewpoint of implementing the principles of the charter of the United Nations and the Declaration of Human Rights
1969 |
Osolnik, Bogdan |
Nationalism and communications
1969 |
Riegel, O. W. |
About some features of institutional and non-institutional factors in international communication
1969 |
Popović, Milo |
Mass communications in Yugoslavia
1969 |
Leandrov, Igor |
Conflict, cooperation and communications satellites
1969 |
Smythe, Dallas W. |
International communication in a developing society-India
1969 |
Nair, L. R. |
Cognitive and coorientational theory in communication research
1969 |
Chaffee, Steven H. |
Application of international principles on freedom of information in Yugoslavia
1969 |
Oreč, Mate |
The impact of the mass media upon dicision-making in foreign policy
1969 |
Porter, William E. |
Tanjug's complementary role in international communications
1969 |
Robinson, Gertrude R. |