Economic distance between nations : its origin, measurement and outlook
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Export prospects and economic growth: India
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Investment and efficiency in Indian railways during the Second Five Year Plan
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Main features of economic growth over the last century
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
From poverty to affluence
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
On the eve of the Third Plan
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Agricultural labourers in modern India and Pakistan
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
The distribution of the national income in India, 1950-1951
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Economic outlook for our children
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Growth of income and investment in India and China, 1952-1960
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Savings investment and economic growth : a dynamic approach
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Economic consequences of disarmament
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Export strategy for the next decade
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Planning in India and China : its relevance to theory of economic growth
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |
Rates of industrial growth in the last century, 1860-1958
1965 |
Patel, Surendra Jivarajbhai |