ASEAN regional cooperation : prospects and problems
1972 |
Ariff, K. A. M. |
The concept of productivity
1972 |
Ching, John |
The Second Malaysia Plan : issues relating to the employment strategy
1972 |
Thillainathan, R. |
Balance of power and international relations
1972 |
Rabeendran, R. |
Malaysia : planning in Malaysia
1972 |
Rao, S. K. |
Some aspects of rural development and change in West Malaysia
1972 |
Selvaratnam, V. |
The changing patterns of international trade : a re-interpretation
1972 |
Lim, David |
Some current issues in the analysis of monetary policy, and a plea for more relevance
1972 |
Thygesen, Niels |
Critical path method as an economic decision model
1972 |
Loh, Hooi Tong |
The need for greater emphasis on industrialization in Malaysian economic development strategy
1972 |
Lim, Chee Peng |
Net present value versus internal rate of return : an analytical approach to the controversy
1971 |
Chin, Tarcisius |
Macroeconomic theory : Keynes vs the rest
1971 |
Huisken, R. H. |
"Superwaste" (world military expenditure)
1971 |
Huisken, R. H. |
The pricing of ocean transport : a general survey of liner shipping
1971 |
Siew, Nam Fai |
The right to freedom of movement outside one's country
1971 |
Ibrahim, Ahmad |
Employment opportunities under the Second Malaysia Plan and the role of the Malaysian Trade Union Congress
1971 |
Nijhar, K. S. |
Greater exchange-rate flexibility : a review of the international discussion and its role for developing countries
1971 |
Donges, Juergen B. |
The validity of per capita output as an index of economic development
1971 |
Narayanan, Suresh |
Linear programming for management decisions
1971 |
Loh, Hooi-Tong |
Will educational development in underdeveloped countries be planned?
1971 |
Lee Lye Hoe, Eddy |