The masses, the elite, and post-colonial politics in Africa
1971 |
Kilson, Martin |
Political development : time sequences and rates of change
1971 |
Nordlinger, Eric A. |
Folk and "feudal" societies
1971 |
Sjoberg, Gideon |
The Praetorian state and the Praetorian army : toward a taxonomy of civil-military relations in developing polities
1971 |
Perlmutter, Amos |
The concept of political development
1971 |
Pye, Lucian W. |
How economic growth begins : a theory of social change
1971 |
Hagen, Everett E. |
Tradition and modernity, misplaced polarities in the study of social change
1971 |
Gusfield, Joseph R. |
The multiple society in economic development : Mexico and Guatemala
1971 |
Nash, Manning |
Acceptance of industrialization and its attendant consequences for the social patterns of non-Western societies
1971 |
Theodorson, George A. |
The structure of political conflict in the new states of tropical Africa
1971 |
Zolberg, Aristide R. |
The city-country gap : urban breakthrough and green uprising
1971 |
Huntington, Samuel P. |
The nature of transitional politics
1971 |
Pye, Lucian W. |
The achievement motive in economic growth
1971 |
McClelland, David C. |
Religious aspects of modernization in Turkey and Japan
1971 |
Bellah, Robert N. |
A developmental approach to political systems : an overview
1971 |
Almond, Gabriel A. |
The impact of parties on political development
1971 |
Weiner, Myron |
Phases of modernization
1971 |
Black, C. E. |
Political cleavages in "developed" and "emerging" polities
1971 |
Lipset, Seymour Martin |
Economic growth and development : noneconomic factors in economic development
1971 |
Hoselitz, Bert F. |
Social change and political violence : cross national patterns
1971 |
Feierabend, Ivo K. |