Israel in the orbit of America: the political economy of a dependency relationship
1986 |
Abed, George T. |
Israel's military relationship with Ecuador and Argentina
1986 |
Bahbah, Bishara |
The political right in Israel: its origins, growth, and prospects
1986 |
Tessler, Mark |
The Palestinian economy under occupation: dependancy and pauperization
1986 |
Ṣāyiġ, Yūsuf ʿAbdallāh |
Gaza: forgotten corner of Palestine
1985 |
Lesch, Ann Mosely |
The Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories
1985 |
The nuclearization debates: the cases of Israel and Egypt
1985 |
Shikaki, Khalil |
An assessment of Palestinian human resources : higher education and manpower
1985 |
Tahir, Jamil M. |
Government pressures against Arabs in the United States
1985 |
Fischbach, Michael R. |
The Middle East and Sweden's security (excerpts)
1985 |
Persson, Sune |
The Arab economy in Israel : Dependency or development?
1984 |
Khalidi, Raja |
Non-violent resistance : a strategy for the occupied territories
1984 |
Awad, Mubarak E. |
The development of capitalism in Palestine : the expropriation of the Palestinian direct producers
1984 |
Zu'bi, Nahla |
The Prohibition Against the Training or Support of Terrorist Organizations Act of 1984
1984 |
Wright, Claudia |
Development of public opinion on the Palestine question
1984 |
Suleiman, Michael W. |
The Druze of the Golan : A case of non-violent resistance
1984 |
Kennedy, R. |
The 1967 oil embargo revisited
1984 |
Daoudi, M. S. |
From Palestinian to Israeli : Jerusalem 1948-1982
1983 |
Mattar, Ibrahim |
The civilian infrastructure of the Palestine Liberation Organization : An analysis of the PLO in Lebanon until June 1982
1983 |
Rubenberg, Cheryl |
The war in Lebanon
1982 |