Planning and development of land settlement schemes in the dry zone of Sri Lanka
1978 |
Fonseka, H. N. C. |
Some aspects of the dysfunctional character of urbanisation : a case study of North Western India
1978 |
Raza, Moonis |
The role of population in development planning : a case study of Bangladesh
1978 |
Hosain, K. T. |
Jaipur master plan and its implementation : a study in citizens' participation in urban development programmes
1978 |
Unnithan, T. K. N. |
Bureaucracy and political development at local levels : some observations on recent innovations in the Philippines
1978 |
Ventura, Eva Duka |
Development and primate metropolis : some value questions
1978 |
Chakraborty, Satyesh C. |
Poverty and the urban process : a spatial analysis of the Indian scene
1978 |
Deshpande, C. D. |
Some aspects of Indonesia's social and cultural plurality
1978 |
Jatiman, Sardjono |
Some aspects of planning in India
1978 |
Reddy, Balwant |
Trends and problems of urbanization in Sri Lanka
1978 |
Panditaratna, B. L. |
Bureaucracy, power centres and recent trends in overall development in Indonesia
1978 |
Pringgodigdo, Girindro |
Process of urbanisation and problems of urban and regional development
1978 |
Mayur, Rashmi |
Communalism and political process : a comparison o India and Malaysia
1978 |
Naidu, Ratna |
Plan formulation in an economic democracy
1978 |
Mathur, Gautam |
Urbanisation, industrialisation and diversification in employment
1978 |
Gore, M. S. |
The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and interregional co-operation
1978 |
Sandhu, Karnail Singh |
Federal nation-building in India : the regional dimension
1978 |
Khan, Rasheeduddin |
Ethnic plurality and national development in Thailand
1978 |
Komai, Hiroshi |
"Committed buraucracy" or "positions of confidence"?
1978 |
Muttalib, M. A. |
Continuity and change in the administration for development in India
1978 |
Reddy, G. Ram |