No landlines, unavailable and cranky : is survey research losing its interviewees?
2008 |
Wübbenhorst, Klaus L. |
Emotional or rational advertising? : A fatal error in communication and advertising research
2008 |
Haimerl, Elmar |
GfK-volumetric price : improving simulated test market methodology
2008 |
Höfer, Björn |
Beyond verbal scales : measurement of emotions in advertising effectiveness research
2008 |
Brand positioning in established markets : new approaches in "everyday marketing"
2008 |
Haimerl, Elmar |
Out-of-stock situations within retail shops : influential factors and customer reaction patterns
2007 |
Helm, Roland |
Hilca : a new conjoint procedure for an improved portrayal of purchase decisions on complex products
2007 |
Wildner, Raimund |
Six myths about managing brand architectures
2007 |
Strebinger, Andreas |
Strategies for the reduction of purchase risk as a determining factor for the success of online retailing
2007 |
Wirtz, Bernd W. |
Brand equity measurement with GfK price challenger
2007 |
Höfer, Björn |
How to measure brand success? : a classification of different approaches for each link in the brand success chain
2006 |
Schuster, Harald |
The bid price model for assessment of price/sales functions
2006 |
Bauer, Hans H. |
Corporate reputation : conceptualisation and consequences
2006 |
Walsh, Gianfranco |
Model-assisted analysis, simulation and forecasting with consumer panel data
2006 |
Wildner, Raimund |
Long term effects of price promotions : modelling dynamic price campaign elasticity and recording the empirical data obtained
2006 |
Olbrich, Rainer |
Management of segmentation projects
2005 |
Wirth, Norbert |
"Word-of-mouse" : why consumers listen to each other on the internet
2005 |
Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten |
Customer management scorecard
2005 |
Wiedmann, Klaus-Peter |
Market success through innovations
2005 |
Geis, Gerold |
Franchise satisfaction : results of an empirical study
2005 |
Hempelmann, Bernd |