Reflections on social science research in India
1980 |
Joshi, P. C. |
Factor endowments, technology, and farm employment
1980 |
Hanumantha Rao, C. H. |
The economics of "technology", output, and employment in poor countries
1980 |
Ganguli, B. N. |
Valuation in social sciences
1980 |
Mukherjee, Ramkrishna |
Keynes, "classics", and the developing economies
1980 |
Chakravarti, Sukhamoy |
The purpose of economic theory
1980 |
Das Gupta, A. K. |
Some observations on small-scale enterprise development
1980 |
Dhar, P. N. |
Keynesian economics and agrarian economies
1980 |
Raj, K. N. |
Evolution of urban policy in India, 1947-78
1980 |
Bose, Ashish |
Long-term trends in population distribution of the Indian Union, 1901-71
1980 |
Desai, P. B. |
The role of technology and natural resources in the development process
1980 |
Cairncross, A. K. |
A method of obtaining consistent price index numbers for inter-regional of international comparisons
1980 |
Mukherjee, M. |
Productivity in the service industries
1980 |
Clark, Colin |
Structural and systemic determinants of India's emerging political culture
1980 |
Khan, Rasheeduddin |
Linguistic diversity and national unity : dimensions of a debate
1980 |
Madan, T. N. |
National wage policy : basic facts and issues
1980 |
Sinha, J. N. |
Problems of primary education in India
1980 |
Naik, J. P. |
Some economic implications of increases in life span with special reference to India
1980 |
Ram, Rati |
Some remarks on slow growth
1980 |
Tinbergen, Jan |
Integrated strategies for national economic and demographic development
1980 |
Mitra, Asok |