The treatment of conservation in MARKAL LP model
1980 |
Gundermann, J. |
System aspects of the use of resources in the production of health services
1980 |
Puliafito, Pier Paolo |
Multicriterial policy assessment for regional agriculture through detailed optimization models
1980 |
Straszak, Andrzej |
Determination of long-range inventory policies via fuzzy decision-making models
1980 |
Kacprzyk, Janusz |
Price-quantity equilibrium in a dynamic labor market
1980 |
Caravani, Paolo |
Expansion planning problems of the fuel-energy system
1980 |
Ciechanowicz, W. |
A simulation of the medium-term planning procedure
1980 |
Czerwiński, Z. |
The price level implicit in Keynesʹ effective demand
1980 |
Parrinello, Sergio |
Pseudopolynomiality of integer linear programming over cones problems
1980 |
Lucertini, Mario |
International economic cooperation and the uniform international prices
1980 |
Piasecki, S. |
Operative control of a water system with randomly varied form of the objective function
1980 |
Gutenbaum, J. |
Conflicting goals programming
1980 |
Radzikowski, Paweł |
Game-interactive system for evaluation different regional development policies
1980 |
Kruś, Lech |
Reconstruction of the traffic in a big city based on flow measurements
1980 |
Holnicki, Piotr |
Changes in the industrial economics and management in view of applications of systems theory
1980 |
Dolczewski, Roman |
Determination of "stable" integrated regional development trajectories via fuzzy decision-making models
1980 |
Kacprzyk, Janusz |
Application of systems theory to comprehensive information systems in economics, management, and control of technological processes
1980 |
Choinski, Stanisław |
A plant location problem for the optimal use of byproducts in slaughtering industry
1980 |
Bertele, U. |
A macrodynamic model of the Italian economy : theory and empirical results
1980 |
Gandolfo, Giancarlo |
Design and optimization of production structures in the chemical industry
1980 |
Dobrowolski, G. |