A stochastic theory of economic development and fluctuations
1961 |
Tintner, Gerhard |
Socialpolitiken i välståndssamhället
1961 |
Welinder, Carsten |
On the genesis of the multiplier theory
1961 |
Hegeland, Hugo |
Economie et civilisation
1961 |
Piettre, André |
Ideologierna och kapitalet
1961 |
Sundbom, Ivar |
Prognose og utviklingsteori
1961 |
Strømme Svendsen, Arnljot |
Inflationen som tillväxtstimulans i ett trekvartsindustrialiserat samhälle
1961 |
Mickwitz, Gösta |
Innovationer i kreditväsendet under den svenska industrialiseringen
1961 |
Dahmén, Erik |
Competition and discontinuity
1961 |
Dickson, Harald |
Some notes on the economic policy of the United States during the period 1919-1932
1961 |
Pedersen, Jørgen |
The supply of labour and the foreign balance
1961 |
Gelting, Jørgen H. |
Über die Problematik von Wachstumsprognosen
1961 |
Bombach, Gottfried |
The rhythm of growth in the Atlantic economy
1961 |
Thomas, Brinley |
ʺThe changing business cycleʺ
1961 |
Hansen, Alvin H. |
Development theory - an econometrist's view
1961 |
Tinbergen, Jan |
La théorie de la répartition du revenu national chez N. Kaldor
1961 |
Marchal, Jean |
Concept de guerre et théorie économique
1961 |
Guitton, Henri |
Time, nature, and decision
1961 |
Shackle, G. L. S. |
Einige Bemerkungen zur Theorie des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums
1961 |
Schneider, Erich |
Truth and meaning of economic postulates
1961 |
Ysander, Bengt-Christer |