Adjustment of age data for India's census population
1980 |
Chandra, Nimai Kumar |
Internal migration in India : pattern, implications and policies
1980 |
Pachal, T. K. |
A methodology to estimate education attainment and indirect fertility effects of policies, programmes, and projects of the education sector
1980 |
Jain, Anrudh K. |
Functional characteristics and growth patterns of towns and cities of Bihar 1961-71
1980 |
Ram, R. B. |
The level and pattern of economic activity by migration status in India
1980 |
Visaria, Pravin |
Population heterogeneity and internal migration
1980 |
Krishnakumari, K. |
Migration and fertility in India
1980 |
Bhatia, Jagdiosh C. |
Patterns of urbanization in Bihar
1980 |
Singh, J. P. |
Estimation of net migration in Gujarat 1951-60 and 1961-70
1980 |
Jhala, P. J. |
Some correlates of literacy and educational attainment among children in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh
1980 |
Pandey, G. D. |
Spatial aspects of sex composition and population density in an Indian city
1980 |
Viswanadham, Garimella |
Non-tribal migration into tribal areas of Utnoor Taluk in Andhra Pradesh
1980 |
Sastry, V. N. V. K. |
Differential fertility behaviour by education and residence status in the Delhi metropolis
1980 |
Jolly, K. G. |
Regional variations in the process of urbanization in Uttar Pradesh, 1951-71
1980 |
Sharma, Arun Kumar |
Urbanization in Fiji, 1966-1976
1980 |
Chandra, Rajesh |
Outmigration from Varanasi (rural) : some results on differntials
1980 |
Singh, S. N. |
Population growth and redistribution in Iraq
1979 |
El Attar, Mohamed E. |
Socio-cultural factors affecting practice of contraception in a metropolitan urban area of Bangladesh
1979 |
Chaudhury, Rafiqul Huda |
Some intrinsic variables affecting MCH performance of auxiliary nurse-midwives
1979 |
Yadav, S. S. |
Socio-economic determinants of family planning acceptance in Madhya Pradesh
1979 |
Srivastava, J. N. |