Unofficial union-management relations
1965 |
Dalton, Melville |
Types of family and types of economy
1965 |
Nimkoff, Meyer Francis |
Universities in advanced industrial societies
1965 |
Halsey, A. H. |
The motivation of economic activities
1965 |
Parsons, Talcott |
Some sociological dimensions of consumer spending
1965 |
Roseborough, Howard |
Agricultural enterprise and rural class relations
1965 |
Stinchcombe, Arthur L. |
Status among clerical workers
1965 |
Homans, George Caspar |
The business executive
1965 |
Henry, William Elmer |
Money economy and consumption patterns
1965 |
Hoyt, Elizabeth Ellis |
Indo-Pacific economic systems
1965 |
Firth, Raymond William |
Cliques in office organizations
1965 |
Gross, Edward |
Industrialization, ideologies, and social structure
1965 |
Bendix, Reinhard |
The rise of capitalism : Marx and Weber
1965 |
Birnbaum, Norman |
American occupational elites
1965 |
Adams, Stuart |
Relations between watch owners and repairérs
1965 |
Strodtbeck, Fred L. |
Economic dominants in community power structure
1965 |
Schulze, Robert O. |
Racial groups in industry
1965 |
Hughes, Everett Cherrington |
Opportunity and the aspirations of automobile workers
1965 |
Chinoy, Ely |
Death by dieselization
1965 |
Cottrell, W. Fred |
The protestant ethic and the parsis
1965 |
Kennedy jr., Robert E. |