Regulation of labour supply in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary
1984 |
Adam, Jan |
The class nature of the Soviet Union revisited
1983 |
Nove, Alec |
The present Soviet incentive system
1980 |
Adam, Jan |
Systems of wage regulation in the Soviet bloc
1976 |
Adam, Jan |
Taxation of the population in Czechoslovakia
1974 |
Adam, Jan |
[Besprechung von:] Science and technology as an instrument of Soviet policy : 1972 = Monographs in International Affairs. Center for Advanced International Studies, University of Miami
1973 |
Amann, Ronald |
[Besprechung von:] Blit, Lucjan: The origins of Polish socialism. The history and ideas of the first Polish socialist party 1878-1886. Cambridge 1971
1973 |
Brock, Peter |
The peasantry and industrialization of Eastern Europe
1970 |
Soviet local elections : what they are, and what they are not
1970 |
Jacobs, Everett M. |
The "link system" in Soviet agriculture
1970 |
Pospielovsky, Dimitry |
History, hierarchy and nationalities : some observations on the Soviet social structure
1969 |
Nove, Alec |
National differences within Soviet demographic trends
1969 |
Taagepera, Rein |
New thinking in Soviet propaganda
1969 |
Wedgwood Benn, David |
Some difficulties in implementing the economic reforms in Czechoslovakia
1968 |
Urbanek, Lida |
The role of private subsidiary farming during the Soviet Seven-Year Plan, 1959-65
1968 |
Lovell, C. A. Knox |
The origins of Order No. 1
1968 |
Boyd, John R. |
The Baptists and Soviet society
1968 |
Beermann, René |
East German price formation under the new economic system
1968 |
Boehme, Hans |
Soviet inspectors general, an expanding role? : a note on the Peoples̕ Control Committee of the Soviet Union
1968 |
Adams, Jan S. |
The Russian Secret Service in the first world war
1968 |
Bradley, J. F. N. |