On reforming the international financial system : an East Asian perspective
2001 |
Pak, Yŏng-chŏl |
Benefits and costs of EU enlargement : theoretical and practical considerations on trade policy issues
2001 |
Inotai, András |
Making aid more effective in reducing poverty
2001 |
Dollar, David |
Fifty years of economic development : what have we learned?
2001 |
Adelman, Irma |
Institutions for knowledge : a Chinese perspective
2001 |
Xue, Lan |
Can integration into the world economy substitute for a development strategy?
2001 |
Rodrik, Dani |
Globalization, trade and development
2001 |
Chonchol, Jacques |
Structural adjustment, demography, and the Egyptian labour market in the 1990s
2001 |
Asʿad, Rāǧī |
Farmers and price fluctuations in poor countries
2001 |
Fafchamps, Marcel |
The determinants of globalization for corporate entreprises
2001 |
Beffa, Jean-Louis |
Privatization and institutions in developing and transition economies
2001 |
Nabli, Mustapha K. |
Different approaches to bankruptcy
2001 |
Hart, Olivier |
Political economy of resource abundant states
2001 |
Auty, Richard M. |
The labour market
2001 |
Lindbeck, Assar |
Patent protection vs. knowledge dissemination
2001 |
Aghion, Philippe |
Independence and accountability of central banks
2001 |
De Grauwe, Paul |
Debt relief and debt sustainability for low income countries
2001 |
Mash, Richard |
Poverty and inclusion from a world perspective
2001 |
Atkinson, Anthony B. |
Pension reform and demographic trends : is funding the solution?
2001 |
Attanasio, Orazio P. |
Learning for the 21th century : opportunities and challenges
2001 |
Thomas, Vinod |