L ̕Italie et la Bulgarie, de Munich au début de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale
1981 |
Dimitrov, Ilčo |
From the history of Bulgarian trade during the third quarter of the 19th century
1981 |
Paskaleva, Virginia |
La Bulgarie et le monde européen du XVe siècle à nos jours
1981 |
Damjanov, Simeon |
The socialist revolution in Bulgaria - premises, law-governed processes and dimensions
1981 |
Isusov, Mito |
A contribution to the history of trade in the Bulgarian lands during the first half of the 19th century
1980 |
Paskaleva, Virginia |
The Bulgarian Agrarian Peopleʹs Union during the 1929-1934 economic crisis
1980 |
Petrova, Dimitrina |
On the relations between the principality of Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century
1980 |
Samardžiev, Božidar |
Nelegal'naja periodičeskaja pečat' v Bolgarii perioda Vtoroj Mirovoj Vojny, 1941-1944 gg.
1980 |
Kovačev, Velčo |
Contribution à lʹhistoire du commerce bulgare au XVe-XVIe siècle
1980 |
Pljakov, Zdravko |
Bolgarskaja intelligencija i nacional'no-osvoboditel'noe dviženie (v 70-godach XIX v.)
1980 |
Radkova, Rumjana |
Probleme der kapitalistischen Industrialisierung Bulgariens vom Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg
1980 |
Todorova, Cvetana |
La diplomatie française et la proclamation de lʹindependance bulgare, 1908
1980 |
Damjanov, Simeon |
Iz istorii bolgaro-russkich revoljucionnych svjazej, 1978-1917
1980 |
Vekov, Angel |
Bulgarian political life in the 1880s
1979 |
Grânčarov, Stojčo |
Parižskaja Kommuna i klassovoe rabočee dviženie v Bolgarii, 1923-1944 gg
1979 |
Grigorov, Bojan |
Wages in the Balkan lands during the period of manufacturing capitalism and the industrial revolution
1979 |
Berov, Ljuben |
Essence et caractère de le̕nseignement bulgare après la guerre de Crimée jusquà̕ la Libération 1856-1878
1979 |
Dimitrov, Angel |
Les relations bulgaro-turques durant le gouvernement de l'Union agraire populaire bulgare, 1920-1923
1979 |
Velikov, Stefan |
The policy of the United States towards the Axis satellites, 1943-1944
1979 |
Toškova, Vitka |
Bulagariaʹs foreign policy 1938-1941
1979 |
Sirkov, Dimitâr |