The theory of wholesale distribution
1971 |
Hall, Margaret |
Who does the work of retailing?
1971 |
Hollander, Stanley C. |
Factors governing the development of marketing channels
1971 |
Alderson, Wroe |
The wholesaler as a link in the distribution channel
1971 |
Courtney, Paul L. |
Pricing practices and channel control
1971 |
Alton, A. J. |
The evaluation of channel effectiveness
1971 |
Revzan, David A. |
Modern marketing and the accountant
1971 |
Mallen, Bruce E. |
Financial considerations in choosing a merketing channel
1971 |
Lambert jr., Eugene W. |
Changes in distributive institutions
1971 |
Davidson, William R. |
Economic analysis of retail trade
1971 |
Hall, Margaret |
Reorganizing distribution for higher profits
1971 |
Profitable listening for manufacturers and dealers : how to use a communication system
1971 |
Gross, Walter |
Changes in wholesaling structure and performance
1971 |
Beckman, Theodore N. |
The retailer as a link in the distribution channel
1971 |
Lazarus, Charles Y. |
Channel control and interorganization management
1971 |
Stern, Louis W. |
Distribution systems : firms, functions, and efficiencies
1971 |
Dommermuth, William P. |
Notions about the origins of trading
1971 |
Robbins, George W. |
Misunderstanding the retailer
1971 |
Wittreich, Warren J. |
The marketing channel : who should lead this extracorporate organization?
1970 |
Little, Robert W. |
The Schwinn case : a landmark decision
1968 |
Bridges, S. Powell |