Systemic competitiveness : new challenges to businesses and politics
1999 |
Basic social services, economic growth, and poverty alleviation : remarks concerning the discussion on the 20/20 initiative
1999 |
Gsänger, Hans G. |
China: market economy and authoritarian state : an alternative to the Western model?
1999 |
Herrmann-Pillath, Carsten |
The economic growth of nations in the twentieth century
1999 |
Gundlach, Erich |
National policies for research, technology and the location of business in a global economy
1999 |
Meyer-Krahmer, Frieder |
The role of the agricultural sector in the economic development of African countries : balance and perspectives
1999 |
Jütting, Johannes P. |
The institutional possibilities and ethical quality of development cooperation
1999 |
Sautter, Hermann |
National scopes of action through systemic competitiveness
1999 |
Eßer, Klaus |
The development policy debate on the role of technical co-operation
1999 |
Klingebiel, Stephan |
Cost effectiveness of food security systems : an assessment based on an econometric model of consumer demand ; the case of Indonesia
1999 |
Gans, Oskar |
Institutional aspects of the handling of crises and disasters in developing countries
1998 |
Braun, Joachim von |
IMF and World Bank development strategies : from development policy dirigisme to market economy principles - and back?
1998 |
Görgens, Egon |
Is Chile a model for Latin America? : A comparative analysis of the economic reforms in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
1998 |
Sangmeister, Hartmut |
The financial crisis in Southeast Asia : causes and effects on the global economy
1998 |
Hesse, Helmut |
Dealing with the Asian crisis : IMF conditionality and implications in Asia and beyond
1998 |
Nunnenkamp, Peter |
Legal order and economic (under) development : a contribution to the theory of property rights
1998 |
Brockmeier, Thomas |
Poverty effects in the transition to a market economy : the Vietnamese "Doi Moi" reform programme
1998 |
Wilhelm, Rainer |
Regionalization of the world economy and centric development
1998 |
Shams, Rasul |
The inequality of income distribution in Latin America in economic terms
1998 |
Schinke, Rolf |
Latin America: the difficult road to the world economy : the search for a new social and economic architecture beyond neoliberalism
1998 |
Messner, Dirk |