Statistical discrimination in seismology
1977 |
Elvers, Eva |
Analysis of survival data in heterogeneous populations
1977 |
Byar, David P. |
Applications of convey analysis to multidimensional scaling
1977 |
Leeuw, Jan de |
An algebraic theory for normal statistical models with unknown covariance
1977 |
Jensen, Søren Tolver |
Some convergence problems in factor analysis
1977 |
Dauxois, J. |
Markov decision processes and quasi-martingales
1977 |
Groenewegen, Luuk P. J. |
Applications of asymptotic expansions to parametric inference
1977 |
Michel, R. |
Methods of analysis of survival data in animal experiments which lead to an understanding of the data as well as avoiding biassed conclusions
1977 |
Lee, Peter N. |
Strong invariance principles
1977 |
Tusnády, G. |
Point process models for line transect experiments
1977 |
Schweder, Tore |
Algorithms of penalization type and of dual type for the solution of stochastic optimization problems with stochastic constraints
1977 |
Hiriart-Urruty, J. B. |
On the structure and applications of infinite divisibility, stability and symmetry in stochastic inference
1977 |
Ahmad, R. |
Conformity of inference patterns
1977 |
Dawid, A. P. |
Central limit theorems for density estimators of a L2 -mixing process
1977 |
Delecroix, Michel |
Children (age 11 to 15) approaching statisics
1977 |
Comiti, C. |
Tests on the dispersion parameter in von Mises distributions
1977 |
Degerine, S. |
Existence, uniqueness, and absolute continuity for stochastic differential equations
1977 |
Jacord, Jean |
Absorption problems and semi-Markov chains
1977 |
Janssen, Jacques |
A software project, some new ideas in statiustical computing
1977 |
Schektman, Y. |
Intelligent programs, the next stage in statistical computing
1977 |
Nelder, J. A. |