On the discount rate for public projects
1970 |
Baumol, William Jack |
The absence of knowledge of distributional impacts : an obstacle to effective policy analysis and decisions
1970 |
Bonnen, James T. |
Economic analysis in natural resource programs
1970 |
Knetsch, Jack L. |
Rescuing policy analysis from PPBS
1970 |
Wildavsky, Aaron B. |
Public expenditures and policy analysis : an overview
1970 |
Haveman, Robert H. |
The public sector and the public interest
1970 |
Steiner, Peter O. |
Public expenditure analysis and the institutions of the executive branch
1970 |
Hoffman, Fred S. |
PPB, the agencies and the Congress
1970 |
Proxmire, William |
The Planning, Programing, and Budgeting System in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare : some lessons from experience
1970 |
Rivlin, Alice M. |
Institutional obstacles to reallocating government expenditures
1970 |
Weidenbaum, Murray L. |
Evaluating public expenditures under conditions of unemployment
1970 |
Haveman, Robert H. |
Prospects for PPB at AEC
1970 |
Searl, Milton F. |
The role of incentives, penalties, and rewards in attaining effective policy
1970 |
Schultze, Charles L. |
The status and next steps for planning, programing, and budgeting
1970 |
Carlson, Jack W. |
The organization of economic activity : issues pertinent to the choice of market versus nonmarket allocation
1970 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph |
Education program analysis at HEW
1970 |
Brandl, John E. |
A model public decisions illustrated by a water pollution policy problem
1970 |
Dorfman, Robert |
Uncertainty and the need for collective action
1970 |
Zeckhauser, Richard |
Collective action and the distribution of income : a conceptual approach
1970 |
Weisbrod, Burton A. |
The status of PPB in federal agencies : a comparative perspective
1970 |
Marvin, Keith E. |