[Besprechung von:] Polaczek, Stanislaw: Miȩdzynarodowy rynek socjalistyczny, nowy typ wspólpracy. (International socialist market. New type of co-operation). Warsaw 1978
1980 |
Godowa, Michał |
[Besprechung von:] Gelberg, Ludwik: Normalizacja stosunków PRL-RFN. Problemy polityczno-prawne. (Normalization of relations between Poland and the FRG. Political and legal problems.) Warsaw 1978
1980 |
Muszyński, Józef |
The Mediterranean region and the CSCE process
1980 |
Nowak, Jerzy M. |
[Besprechung von:] Stefanowicz, Janusz: Stary nowy świat. Cia̧głość i zmiana w stosunkach miȩdzynarodowych. (Old new world. Continuity and change in international relations.) Warsaw 1978
1980 |
Ryszka, Franciszek |
Poland and the implementation of the CSCE Final Act
1980 |
Hagmajer, Marek |
Problems of war and peace in the tradition of Polish political thought
1980 |
Symonides, Janusz |
Relations between the FRG and the GDR in East-West co-operation
1980 |
Michałowski, Stanisław |
East-West relations and the interests of national economy
1980 |
Dobroczyński, Michał |
On the need to prepare societies for life in peace
1980 |
Dobrosielski, Marian |
[Besprechung von:] Dembowski, Jacek: Ṡwiatowa gospodarka surowcami mineralnymi (World raw materials economy) Warsaw 1978
1980 |
Budnikowski, Adam |
[Besprechung von:] Kamiński, Bartłomiej, Marek Okolski: System gospodarki światowej. Problemy rozwoju. (The system of world economy. Problems of development.) Warsaw 1978
1980 |
Szeremeta, Jerzy W. |
National self-identity in the contemporary world
1980 |
Szeremeta, Jerzy W. |
East-West transport co-operation
1980 |
Januszkiewicz, Włodzimierz |
The United Nations and the preparation of societies for peace
1980 |
Sokalski, Henryk J. |
[Besprechung von:] Łopuski, Jan, Janusz Symonides: Miȩdzynarodowe organizacje morskie. International maritime organizations. Gdańsk 1978
1980 |
Klepacki, Zbigniew M. |
[Besprechung von:] Współzycie miȩdzynarodowe. Zbiór studiów. [International coexistence. A collection of studies.] Andrzej Kwilecki, ed. Poznań 1978
1979 |
Dobroczyński, Michał |
Europe in the detente process
1979 |
Stefanowicz, Janusz |
The Federal Republic of Germany's legal system and the treaty with Poland of December 7th, 1970
1979 |
Janicki, Lech |
Education of societies for peace
1979 |
Symonides, Janusz |
The concept of the new international information order
1979 |
Szulczewski, Michał |