Consumers' labour activity in equilibrium models
1983 |
Dementiev, V. E. |
Studying hypotheses of consumer behaviour
1983 |
Pomansky, A. B. |
Bilateral contracts
1983 |
Green, Jerry |
Changing the tax base and risk-taking
1983 |
Koskela, Erkki |
A simple dinamic model and its application on the analysis of private consumption in Finnland
1983 |
Mellin, Ilkka |
Efficient allocations of commodities under fixed retail prices
1983 |
Polterovich, V. M. |
Ispol'zovanie ėkonomičeskich normativov v planirovanii i upravlenii narodym chozjajstvom
1982 |
Machrov, N. V. |
Izučenie sootnošenija centralizacii i decentralizacii upravlenija metodom imitacionnogo modelirovanija
1982 |
Krupenina, G. A. |
Material'no-finansovye balansovye modeli v sisteme predprijatie-otrasl'-region
1982 |
Stavčikov, A. |
Problemy izmerenija ėffektivnosti i upravlenija naučno-techničeskim progressom
1982 |
L'vov, D. S. |
Rol' Pjatiletnego Plana v ėkonomičeskom mechanizme upravlenija dejatel'nost'ju ob-edinenij
1982 |
Starodubrovskij, V. |
Koncepcii upravlenija investicionnoj dejateln̕ostj̕u
1982 |
Braginskij, L. V. |
Regional policy and industrail structure
1981 |
Okko, Paavo |
Corporate taxation and the behaviour of a growing firm under changing prices
1981 |
Ylä-Liedenpohja, Jouko |
A multiregional computational model for population, labour force and employment
1981 |
Kamppinen, Arto |
On the application of differential games to optimal decentralized stabilization
1981 |
Hämäläinen, Raimo P. |
Design of incentive schemes and the new Soviet incentive model
1981 |
Holmström, Bengt |
Problems of using input-output methodology in industrial planning
1981 |
Forssell, Osmo |
Research on the profitability of Finnish industry
1981 |
Airaksinen, Timo |
On optimal modelling of foreign trade and foreign international relations
1979 |
Shagalov, G. |